Let me introduce myself

Hello! My name is Agata Dojerska. I am a native Polish speaker and a qualified Language teacher.  I hold a diploma from Gdansk University, and have over    12 years of teaching experience. I am also a certified Polish-English interpreter. I have taught Polish to foreigners, at various levels of language proficiency, in a central London language school. After my years of teaching at this school, I have decided to use my teaching skills, and the full depth and breadth of my varied experiences, to open my own Polish Language school. My school is student-focused and relays knowledge to students through thought-provoking games, tasks, and real-life situations in order to experience the day-to-day language conversations. I also place a lot of emphasis on pronunciation (mouth movements, correct syllable division, etc.). I do all of that so that you can speak Polish smoothly and clearly in no time.