What distinguishes my language school from many others?

· In the majority of schools, when people sign up for a language course, the structure is usually based on chapters that follow the assigned book. That means that by the end of the course, the teacher must reach a certain page or chapter in the book. In that situation, time becomes of the essence. This means that the teacher often feels rushed and may not spend the appropriate amount of time on difficult sections, since the plan is to reach a certain point. In my school, classes are not rushed so that the appropriate amount of time can be spent on difficult sections.

· I've always known that, when I open my own language school, a new approach would be needed. I want to give my students the time they need to learn and absorb the information. I want to have the time to include games, articles, videos, tongue-twisters, jokes, etc. to make lessons fun, interesting and practical.  I want to be able to customise lessons to students’ individual interests and revise lessons as needed.  

· Learning any language is a process that takes time. If you don't have the proper time to learn, failure and disappointment are the results. So, if a course promises that you can learn a language in a short amount of time covering a lot of material, you may want to rethink taking that course. Chances are the teacher will reach the assigned point in the book, but will you really learn all the material covered? If the course makes you feel rushed and not able to keep up, it could be the course and not you!

· There is at least a 15-minute break between each class so that you get a teacher that is more relaxed, not rushed, and has prepared for that lesson. This prevents lessons from being cut short to accommodate the next class.

· At my school, it is important to revise the covered material to help the students reinforce their knowledge, improve their confidence, and it is an important part of the learning process. Instead of just immediately moving forward with the new material, the previously covered material is either blended in with the new material, or if students feel that it is necessary, the previous material is further revised.  

I hope that after you read this, you realize that our experience, devotion to teaching, and care for student success will make your first or subsequent Polish class a very pleasant and positive learning experience.